We add miracle to the miracle of the soil..
For your future, we are developing projects that you will earn while buying..
What is a land in the form of a cooperative?
What is meant by the cooperative deed is the Cooperative share, which shows your ownership status. The cooperative owns the land and the title deed is in the name of the cooperative. By buying a share from this cooperative, you become a partner in the cooperative at the rate of your share and become the owner of the land it owns.
How many people can a building cooperative be established with?
A building cooperative is established by at least 7 real and/or legal persons specified in the Cooperatives Law No. 1163. How can I enter a cooperative partnership?
Real persons qualified to exercise their civil rights and legal persons listed in the cooperatives law numbered 1163 apply to the board of directors with a letter stating that they have accepted the cooperative's articles of association with all their rights and duties. Following the decision to be taken by the board of directors, the title of partnership is acquired.
Can I transfer my partnership?
The partnership is transferable. If the board of directors accepts the person who takes over the partnership, this person is accepted to the partnership.
it does. If he accepts, all his rights and obligations towards the old cooperative pass to the new partner.
Could you provide information on whether more than one person can be a partner in a partnership share?
According to the 19th article of the Cooperatives Law No. 1163, at least one partnership share must be received from each person entering the cooperative. Therefore, only one partner can be recruited to the cooperative for one share and the rights attached to this share.
Will my cooperative share appear in the deed?
Since the land title belongs to the cooperative, this partnership is not visible in the e-government web deed application. When you are a member of a Cooperative, you can see your share status on the E-Government (KOOPBIS) application.
Can I build a house on my cooperative land?
Since the land is unzoned, no building can be built on these lands. We can only place tiny houses or caravans with O2 type certificated plates and licenses.
Creation of living space,
Tiny House concept,
(02 license requirement) - One day for caravan purposes,
Hobby garden,
For investment purposes,
How will I receive my garden?
The four corners will be ready for your use of electricity and water, with your borders determined, and the whole of the land will be closed and the entrance will be provided from the security point, roads, parking lot, social areas, male/female washbasins and lighting and social areas will be delivered.
I do not want to do anything, I think for investment purposes.?
Of course, you can also consider it for investment purposes. However, due to visual pollution (weeds, etc.) that will occur on your allocated area, the cooperative management may charge you for maintenance on your behalf.
Does this place belong to me?
Land title deed S.S. It belongs to LINAKOY A HOUSING BUILDING COOPERATIVE. By purchasing shares from this cooperative, you also have the allocation area reserved for you by the cooperative management. As long as you don't sell and transfer your allotment area you have received due to this partnership, it belongs to you and your heirs.
You say 200m2, why are you calculating 150m2 like this?
The partnership share you have received is 200m2. You can see your share of shares corresponding to this square meter in your e-government and share certificate. Your share certificate will be processed as 200m2. All owners have rights to use and share common areas. Therefore, you get a share of 200m2. (An example of this is the flats in the housing projects and the net gross house m2 written in the title deeds they own from the sites)
Will any of the cooperative partners' debts or foreclosures affect me?
Since cooperatives are not subject to corporate tax, they do not have a commercial activity. For this reason, foreclosure and execution cannot be performed due to any individual debt. Unless the cooperative is dissolved in any way, it is not possible to seize the cooperative's share of the partner.
What is the difference with the share title deed?
What you do to your garden in a share titled place will disturb you if other shareholders complain and claim rights from that section. Since there is a Cooperative management here, your interlocutor will not be any individual but the management. When you want to sell your place in shared title deeds, a really long and difficult process awaits you. Because you have to ask the other shareholders while selling the shares, so it is difficult to make a joint decision. Otherwise, you have to deal with the courts.
What accommodation can I use other than tiny house?
TR. Fixed structures such as reinforced concrete, bungalow prefabricated buildings cannot be built on the lands that are in the nature of a field within its borders. These unzoned lands are against the law.
How is the waste water expense?
If you are going to use accommodation type in your garden, 3-4 mt. You can create a deep septic tank.
How is the payment method?
Cash. We do not have a maturity or swap option.
Is it possible to sell to foreigners?
T.R. Any individual who is a citizen and does not have a criminal record can take it. Foreign nationals who do not have legal barriers in purchasing real estate in Turkey, who have a foreign identity number and residence, can become cooperative shareholders.
If I want to sell, how and to whom do I sell?
The criminal record of your share is clean and TC. Every individual who is a citizen can be contacted by consulting the cooperative or by a notary public.
You can also do it with rotation.
Who is the cooperative we are a partner of?
What happens to the consent?
Your consent, not interfering with other shares and common areas, consenting to your shares, any lawsuit
It is for you not to open it and to act within the permission and permission of the Cooperative management.
Will there be any dues? If so, what are the expense items?
In the project, 24-hour security, cleaning personnel in the common area, street lighting, cooperative consultancy, accounting and attorneyship expenses are common expense items. The savings of these expenses belong to you, the owners. You will decide unanimously at the general assembly.
When will the reconstruction come?
The zoning situation is realized within the framework of regional planning.
Well, if there is development in the future, can everyone build on their own plot?
In case of Reconstruction or when it is desired to make any other savings, whatever decision is made with a majority of 51% of the votes will be implemented. None of our partners has the right to construct their own allocated area.
According to article 18 of the zoning law, what will happen if more than half of my land is gone when zoning arrives tomorrow?
When the zoning comes and the allotments are realized, your 200m2 area will be DOPed at a rate of 30%-40%. Even if there is a deduction, your place where the quality of your allotment area becomes land will gain value.
There was a law that said hobby gardens were forbidden.
The articles in the hobby garden law that the state has banned have nothing to do with us. The reason is that we do not process the actual division of parcels in the cooperative internal ledger and do not have any structures built on it. Since no action has been taken against the law on the protection of territorial integrity number 5403, we are excluded from this law.